- 1069人气指数
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- 2017-03-23 19:22:43收录时间
- 2025-02-12 18:46:04更新日期
- 网站地址: www.shangdejy.com网站认领
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- 网站位置:当前位置:95分类目录 › 网站目录 › 教育学习 › 学校 › 上海民办尚德实验学校
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- 备案信息:
- 网站描述:上海民办尚德实验学校于2003年9月建校,由上海尚德教育投资发展有限公司投资兴建。由小学部、初中部、高中部、国际部组成。校园占地216亩,建筑面积14.7万平方米,设有图书馆、教学区、科技区、运动区、生活区、艺术中心、学生服务中心,集科技、文化、人文、艺术于一体。Shanghai Shangde Experimental School was established in September, 2003, with the principal academic units being the Primary Division, the Junior & Senior High Division, and the International Division. Taking up 216 acres of land and housing an area of 147, 000 meters square, the campus is divided into 7 areas——the teaching and learning area, sports court and gyms, living area, art centers, student service center, which, as a whole, demonstrate the integration of science & technology, humanities and art.学校面向世界,瞄准未来,适应学生和社会发展,定位于实验性、示范性、个性化、国际化,努力办成上海乃至中国的品牌学校。抓住学生发展的最佳期,实施最有效的教育,使每一位学生都拥有希望,成为崇尚道德、善学求进、身强心健、个性发展的人。Being international-minded and thinking of the future, Shangde strives to rank as one of the signature schools of Shanghai. To catch the best in students, to perform the most efficient pedagogy, and to promise students a bright prospect are goals that drive us. At Shangde, we will guide our students into being independent, moral, healthy, and responsible citizens of the world. 学校荣誉 Honors Earned 上海市文明单位 Shanghai Ethical Model School上海市民办特色学校Shanghai Characterized Private School上海市中小学生行为规范示范校 Shanghai Secondary-Primary Students’ Behavior Model School上海市语言文字规范化示范学校 Shanghai Language Standardization Model School上海市中小学科技教育特色示范学校 Shanghai Secondary-Primary Technology Education Model School上海市中小学艺术教育特色学校 Shanghai Secondary-Primary Art Education Specialist School 上海市安全文明单位 Shanghai Safety Model School上海市书法教育实验学校 Shanghai Calligraphy Education Experimental School上海市中小学心理辅导协会实验学校 Shanghai Secondary-Primary Psychology Counseling Association Experimental School上海市消防安全教育示范学校 Shanghai Fire Control Model School国家“十一五”规划重点课题:“生态体验下学生德育创新的案例研究”项目学校 The State “Eleven-.Five” Core Project:“Innovative Moral Education under Eco-Experiential Settings”中国地理学会地理科普教育基地 Geographic Education Base of Chinese Geography Academy
- TAG标签:www.shangdejy.com 上海民办尚德实验学校* 上海民办尚德实验学校网址
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- 本页地址:https://www.95dir.com/website/8309.html
上海民办尚德实验学校于2017-06-06 17:58:56发布于95分类目录,并永久归类相关网址导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "上海民办尚德实验学校" 的网站价值及网站可信度,包括Alexa排名、流量估计、网站外链、域名年龄等。网站真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。"上海民办尚德实验学校" 的价值还取决于各种因素的综合分析,以网站的流量或收入多少来衡量站点价值当然不够准确。
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