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- 2017-03-23 19:22:46收录时间
- 2025-02-12 21:46:31更新日期
- 网站地址: jl.hpe.cn网站认领
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- 网站位置:当前位置:95分类目录 › 网站目录 › 教育学习 › 学校 › 上海市金陵中学
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- 备案信息:
- 网站描述:上海市金陵中学为黄浦区有声望的一所完中,于1956年由上海市北郊中学分校(原沪江大学附中分校),与上海市建工初级中学合并而成,校址为原法国驻沪领事馆。学校现有40个教学班,其中高中12个班。教职工153人,其中教师113人,高级教师22人,现有二位学科带头人,三位学科带头人退休,青年教师占教师总数50%。学校已形成一支有良好师德、业务优秀的骨干队伍,其中有上海市优秀政治教师、物理学科带头人、“我心中的好老师”金奖获得者、市园丁奖获得者市优秀班主任等。四十多年来,学校坚持党的教育方针,为国家培养了上万名优秀毕业生。近期来,学校发扬学校办学特色、严格管理、积极开展教育改革,使学校在社会上获得良好的声誉。我校办学特色之一—心理健康教育,以“预防性”“发展性”的目标为工作重点,发展学生的个性,培养学生的健全人格。我校心理健康教育参与市级课题研究,获成果推广奖。我校在初一、高一开设心理健康教育课,学校建设了心理辅导室,成立心理健康教育中心组,吸收中青年德育骨干参加,形成一支心理健康教育骨干队伍。对全校教职工开设心理健康教育讲座,普及心理健康教育知识。通过多年努力,学校心理健康教育取得了良好效果。 我校是区教育科研基地学校,教育科研是我校办学的又一个特色。我校重视教育科研队伍建设,积极参与市区各级课题研究,其中有“学习方法指导”、“教学模式研究”等。我校教育科研注重研究教育教学实践,注重研究教育科研在教育教学中的应用,注重成果总结。我校每年举行两次教育科研研讨会,一次德育研讨会,一次教学研讨会。目前积极筹备推进建设教育科研信息动态资料库,加强信息搜集、发布工作。 学校管理是我校工作的强项。我校建立了教育、教学工作常规、班主任工作常规等。我校重视常规常抓常新,今年根据二期课改要求对教学工作常规作了很大修改。我校每学期一次由学生对每个任课教师,进行教学信息反馈,每次搜集十多万条信息,汇总得到个人、班级、年级、教研组的总评,并及时反馈教师。使学校对教学过程进行监控,加强学校对教学过程的管理,并取得良好效果。我校逐步形成教师队伍竞争上岗的机制。使教师队伍逐步得到优化。 Introduction of Jinling Middle School Add:4 Jin Ling Rd.(E) P.C.:200002 E-mail:zxjinl@public8.sta.net.cn Tel:63304025 Fax:63301480 N.Add:http://jl.hpe.cn Shanghai Jinling Middle School was Founded in 1956, It is known as a normal, full-time middle school which mixes the junior with the senior together. The school is located in the centre of the city, quite close to the bund. Now the school has 153 excellent Faculty and the most are the young. It also has over 2000 students studying in 42 classes at different grades. Since its establishment, the school has persistently adhere to the school’s educational policy of \\\\\\\"streengthening students’ knowledge foundation, cultivating students’ intellectual apitude and developing students’ potential talent.\\\\\\\" The school goes all out to provide its students with an effective environment. We have two classrooms for multimedia, several laps for physics,chemistry and biology, English language lab, computer rooms for students and faculty, gymnasium, and so on. The school ensures that our students graduate with an over all development in their moral integrity, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetic values and fitnesss in physicall labor. We greatly value our English teaching and mental healthy education. So as to develop students’ personality and special skills and talents. For over forty years since its establishment, this school has graduated close to 10,000students for the country. Currently, our faculty and students are working hard in full cooperation to upgrade this school in the derection of a first-rate middle school. In order to strnengthen the friendship between China and America, know more about the culture and history of America, improve the ability of using English by contacting the American volunteers, we welcome them to teach English in our school greatly.
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